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 * This captures all of the user data associated with the LTI Launch.

class User{

     * @param {number} id
     * @param {string} email
     * @param {string} displayname
     * @param {number} role
     * @param {boolean} mentor
    constructor(id, email, displayname, role) {
         * @type {number}
        this._id = id;
         * @type {string}
        this._email = email;
         * @type {string}
        this._displayname = displayname;
        this._role = role;
        this._mentor = false;

    get id () { return this._id; }
    get email () { return this._email; }
    get displayname () { return this._displayname; }
    get role () { return this._role; }
    get mentor () { return this._mentor; }

      LEARNER_ROLE = 0;
      INSTRUCTOR_ROLE = 1000;
      TENANT_ADMIN_ROLE = 5000;
      ROOT_ADMIN_ROLE = 10000;
    get instructor () {return this._role >= 1000; }
    get tenantAdmin () {return this._role >= 5000; }
    get rootAdmin () { return this._role >= 10000; }

    set id (id) { this._id = id; }
    set email (email) { this._email = email; }
    set displayname (displayname) { this._displayname = displayname; }
    set role (role) { this._role = role; }
    set mentor (mentor) { this._mentor = mentor }


module.exports = User;